Permanent Improvement Forecast helps protect community investment in our schools
Over the years, our community has invested a lot of money building our schools so that our students will have quality learning facilities. It is our job to ensure that investment is protected and maintained for years to come. One of the ways we are doing that is with the Permanent Improvement Forecast.
The Permanent Improvement (PI) Fund is typically used for items or projects that are more long term in nature, expenses such as school buses, asphalt, technology, building upkeep, and maintenance/custodial equipment to name a few. Through the creation of the PI Forecast, we have a long term planning tool that ensure safe and well maintained facilities and equipment. The PI Forecast makes sure we get the most out of our PI tax dollars and helps the school district stay off the ballot for facilities funding as long as possible.
The long term planning involved with the forecast has allowed us to accomplish some major projects that were long overdue. One example you are surely aware of is the stadium renovation project at the high school as well as the ECHS/stadium parking lot project. We were also able to build a football field and track at Bunsold Middle School which has been needed for a long time. For projects such as these that have such a large impact on our community, you'll be happy to know that the district received approximately $1.3 million in donations to complete the stadium renovations. There are many other projects completed each year that aren't accompanied by the excitement of a new stadium, but nevertheless these projects allow Marysville Schools to offer top notch educational services to our community and provide safe and well maintained facilities for our students.
With all of the pressures of the daily operations of a school district, it can be easy to lose the long term perspective that some of these facility projects require. Rest assured that we value the community’s investment and the long term preservation of our facilities. The Permanent Improvement Forecast is one way we ensure this always remains a top priority.