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Board of Education

The Marysville Board of Education is comprised of five elected members, each serving four year terms.  The terms are staggered so that two seats are voted on in one election, and then three seats in the election two years later. 

The Board of Education sets policy and direction for the Marysville Exempted Village School District, while providing supervisory oversight with regard to all contracts, employment, and development of educational programs.  The Board is also responsible for hiring and evaluating both the Superintendent and the Treasurer. 

To best perform these duties, the Board of Education has spent significant time focusing on board development and training. In May 2012, the Board developed a Governance Team Operating Protocol to enhance teamwork and professionalism among members of the Board and between the Board, Superintendent, and Treasurer. Please click here for the most recent revision of the Marysville Exempted Village Governance Team Operating Protocol.

In addition, the Board has developed goals aligned to the district strategic plan. The goals for the 2024-2025 school year were approved at the August 2024 Regular Board Meeting:  2024-2025 Board of Education Goals & Work Plan

The Marysville Board of Education welcomes your questions and comments.  We are proud to serve our district and our community.  Together, we can provide opportunities for our students today that will prepare them to be leaders of tomorrow!  

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