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Our District


Marysville Schools, as we prefer to call ourselves, is a growing school district located about 20 miles Northwest of Columbus, Ohio. The district has over 5,600 students consisting of five elementary schools (K-4), one intermediate school (5-6), one middle school (7-8), one high school (9-12), and one STEM early college high school (9-12).  Our schools employ over 350 teachers and 250 support staff, such as maintenance, custodians, secretaries, aides, food service personnel, bus drivers, School Age Child Care (SACC), etc. 

The Marysville Schools academic program provides opportunities for all students to reach their full potential.  Our job is to provide a personalized education with a focus on problem solving, collaboration and communication so today's students have the skills they need to be successful in careers, college and life.

Marysville Schools offers Advanced Placement (AP) Courses for high school students as well as a numerous College Credit Plus (CCP) offerings.  

Marysville Schools was presented the Momentum Award by the State Board of Education in 2016, 2017 and 2018 for exceeding expectations in student growth for the year. Marysville Schools was recognized as the Union County Chamber of Commerce's Business of the Year in 2015.

Marysville Schools offers All Day, Every Day Kindergarten for ALL students.

The district promotes, supports and takes great pride in extracurricular and co-curricular activities as well.  Students can participate in a variety of activities within athletics, the performing arts, clubs, etc.

Please click here to read the different editions of the Marysville Monarchs Monthly, the district newsletters, as well as the district's  most recent Quality Profile.


As a growing city, Marysville is an excellent place to call home.  Marysville offers small-town values in a city that is continually attracting new stores, businesses, and restaurants. Marysville offers convenient access to Columbus (approx. 20 minutes) without the challenges of living in a big city.

For more information about our community, please visit the following links:

The City of Marysville

Union County

Union County Chamber of Commerce 

Approval Process for Student Flyers

Organizations wishing to make their flyer available to students must request approval through the Superintendent’s office.

To request approval, send the flyer via PDF attachment to the email address of  Please allow at least 15 working days for review/approval process.  You will be notified whether approved or not.

If approved, the flyer will be added to the Marysville Schools website "Parents" page, and can be viewed under "Community Flyers".  All students and parents will receive an email, once a week via School Connects, advising of newly added flyers to the website.  The email will include a link to the "Parents" page of MEVSD website.  The schools do not distribute paper flyers to students.