Ohio State Tests
Achievement tests are administered to students in grades 3-8 in English language arts and mathematics, and grade 5 and 8 in Science.

End-of-course tests are administered to students in English language arts II, Algebra I, Geometry, Biology, American History, and American Government.
More information about Ohio’s State Tests can be found HERE.
Kindergarten Readiness
To prepare for kindergarten, children need to be supported and nurtured in all areas of development. It is also important that your child is physically, socially and emotionally ready to participate in school. This list can serve as a guide as you and your child prepare for the exciting transition to kindergarten!
Please also see this handout sharing ideas to help your child prepare for kindergarten in the areas of math and reading.
In the spring prior to kindergarten, Marysville schools will provide optional screenings for incoming kindergarteners in early reading and math skills. This program will also provide resources and materials to families to help their children prepare for kindergarten.
Kindergarten Readiness Assessment Revised
The Kindergarten Readiness Assessment Revised (KRA-R) is a tool that teachers will use to get to know your child. It is not designed to rank children by ability, nor is it a tool for identifying students with disabilities or gifted students. This tool is primarily to help your teacher get to know your child in a way that does not interrupt the child’s learning. Your child may not even be aware that the teacher is using this tool because most of the tool requires the teacher to watch the student during the natural course of the school day’s activities.
Don’t be alarmed if your child is not excelling in every area. Most children develop in spurts. They are ahead of their peers in some areas and behind in others. But remember, this tool is not designed to compare your child with other children, it is used to indicate how ready your child is for learning Ohio’s Learning Standards for kindergarten. All students will need support in some areas.
More information about Ohio’s Kindergarten Readiness Assessment can be found HERE.
Third Grade Reading Guarantee
Ohio's Third Grade Reading Guarantee is a program to identify students from kindergarten through grade 3 who are behind in reading. Schools will provide help and support to make sure students are on track for reading success by the end of third grade. Ohio's Department of Education and Workforce provides policy guidance, instructional tools and resources on the Third Grade Reading Guarantee.
More Information about the Third Grade Reading Guarantee can be found on Ohio's Department of Education and Workforce’s Website HERE.
ODEW Instructional Video Series
The following videos are published by Ohio's Department of Education and Workforce and are great examples of how we provide reading instruction and intervention in Marysville Schools when teaching the following pillars of literacy:
An important component of structured literacy is explicit instruction, an instructional approach utilized within our district. The videos linked above are all explained through the lens of explicit instruction. If you are interested in learning more about this, please be sure to watch the “Multi Modal Approach to Structured Literacy” above.
Graduation Requirements
New graduation requirements have been introduced for students in the class of 2023 and beyond by the State Legislature (Ohio Revised Code 3313.618) and the Ohio Department of Education. Ohio’s new graduation requirements consist of three key components:
More information about Ohio’s Long-term Graduation Requirements can be found HERE.
1. Course Completion - Students will satisfy Ohio’s curriculum requirements and any additional local requirements. Students will earn a total of 21 credits in the following subject areas:
2. Demonstrate Competency - Students will demonstrate competency in the foundational areas of English Language Arts and Mathematics or through alternative demonstrations, which include College Credit Plus, career-focused activities, their ACT or sAT scores, or military enlistment. More information can be found HERE.
Students must earn a “competency score” (684) on the English II and Algebra I end-of-course tests.
Students who do not earn a “competency score” will be provided remediation and support, and must retake the test at least once.
3. Demonstrate Readiness (Seals) - Students will demonstrate readiness for their post-high school paths by earning two diploma seals that allow them to demonstrate important foundational and well-rounded academic and technical knowledge, professional skills, and leadership and reasoning skills. More information on each of the Graduation Seals can be found HERE.