Student attendance is crucial as it ensures consistent access to structured learning, social interaction, and support services that are essential for academic and personal development. Regular attendance helps students build a strong foundation of knowledge and skills, fostering a sense of routine and responsibility. However, we also recognize that families may offer valuable learning experiences that do not match up with the school calendar, enriching a child's education. These experiences can complement formal education by providing practical, real-world applications of classroom lessons and broadening a student's perspective.
Vacations are classified as "unexcused absences" by Ohio Revised Code. Absences may only be excused if the written notice has been given to and approved by the building principal two weeks (ten school days) PRIOR to the start of the trip. Principals have the discretion to excuse these absences by classifying them as an Alternative Learning Experience if sufficient educational rationale is provided by the parent/guardian. Other factors the building principal considers in his/her decision is child's attendance and academic standing as well as the length of the request. It is the responsibility of the student/parent to request all missed school work. Individual teachers will provide students the missed work and determine the time limit for make-up work.
Please click here for the Alternative Learning Experience application.